Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cape Armitage

...which I keep mispronouncing as "Cape Armageddon," is the promontory between McMurdo and Scott Base. It WAS the last trial in the McMurdo trail system I hadn't hiked. It is across sea ice, and in year's past was already closed (or should I say, melted away) by the time of my arrival.  But yesterday (Sunday) I played hookey from work, caught up on sleep, exercised a little, and hiked this three mile trail across the ice shelf.  It afforded a very nice view of McMurdo from the sea ice.  There was also a really nice photo op with a bunch of flags marking a fuel line. 

McMurdo from the sea ice off Cape Armitage

Today (Monday) I am back at work. We finished applying the reflective tape (except for minor spots) on the instrument frame and lowered to the floor. I am now starting to look at the data to make the last checks of the veto system, which I am responsible for. 
And now it's Tuesday. Nothing is ever easy. I got totally stuck in the first step of looking at the data, and it took until today to track down the error.  And now I am waylaid into another panel project, gluing aluminized mylar to the foam thermal insulation that surrounds the upper part of the detector.

I have been under the weather lately, recovering from a mild cold that has settled in my chest. I go around with a hacking wet cough, which makes everybody move away from me quickly. Colds spread quickly here.  But I have this friendly penguin to help me get better.


  1. Well, you know what they say, 'There's nothing like a penguin to help you get over a cold!'

    But as for Antarctica being a frozen wasteland, it sure does seem to be a beautiful place.

  2. Is he a real doctor, this Penguin fellow? What are his credentials?
